Sunday, May 25, 2014

Compliment Chain Celebration

I found this great idea on Pinterest. I added a Compliment Chain to my room decor to encourage my students to be on their best behavior when I'm not around. They can earn compliments from specialty teachers, substitutes, and other teachers around campus. They love it!

When the chain hit the floor, we were all very excited. It took us a bit longer than I had anticipated, which made it all the more special. We brainstormed ideas for a party, and one idea stuck with me: a scavenger hunt.

I divided the students into eight groups and had eight different clues that would lead them to various people around campus. At the last stop for each group, they would get an item of some sort. I got cherries, chocolate syrup, sprinkles, whipped cream, bowls, etc. for the groups. Not only did they have a blast following the clues around the school, but they were beyond excited to get the fixins for ice cream sundaes.

This is definitely a tradition I will continue next year!

On a side note, the whole process of ordering the clues, numbering the groups, and making sure each group went to all eight stops before getting the final treat was a bit challenging. Post any comments/questions here and I can give tips! :)